ABOVE: 12$ boots from Pay-less, covered with pink&white silhouette fabric of Elvis Presley and pink fake-fur

ABOVE: Children's plastic halloween army helmut covered in camo fabric and fabric 100$bill. Burning Man 2009 Theme- The American Dream. ("The American Nightmare")

ABOVE: Pink silk scarf was 4$ in San Cristobal, Mexico. Fake fruit. So much fun. (Carmen Miranda)

ABOVE: Straw cowboy hat, covered in a dragonfly turquoise and gold theme (Haley's Hat She Never Got Because She Skipped Out On Bisco)

ABOVE: Purple and zebra print peace witch hat. (2008 Summer uniform)

LEFT and CENTER: First Witch Hat made with fun mariacchi balls and flourescant fabric.
RIGHT: 1$Shirt I made to match purple and zebra witch hat/business suit. ("WAR IS UNHEALTHY FOR CHILDREN AND OTHER LIVING THINGS")
UPPER: WIZARD HAT WITH A BRIM. I constructed a straight-up wizard hat from a silver sun-shield that people put in their windshields. It had a brim and it was WAY cool. LOWER: Cowboy-girl hat.
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